Monday, December 24, 2012

Another Week in the Work

Dear All,

It's Christmas Eve! And what a great time to be a missionary! There are people all around who have turned their minds and hearts to Christ, and here we are to teach them more about him, and about his plan!

The other night, we contacted a home where we had visited someone before. The mom, whom we had talked to, wasn't home, but her 18 year old son was. His name is Daniel, and he is amazing. He's pretty humble, and willing to listen. We always ask "Do you attend a church?" to be able to get a feel for their spiritual life, but I also felt to ask him "Why do you go to church? What is it that you are looking for?" He responded "Well, I'm looking for answers." I asked him "What kind of answers?" "And he said "I need to know the purpose of life. I need to know why I'm here." We then talked for a few more minutes, and started in on the Plan of Salvation. He loved it, and committed to pray to know if it's true. We have another appointment this week to teach him more about the Restoration of the Gospel, and the Book of Mormon, and then he goes off to Las Delicias, which is a place (and an area!) in Santa Lucia, which is one of the zones of our mission! So, I'm going to hand off his phone number to the Elders in Las Delicias to be able to teach him, because he's almost a sure baptism. He's amazing! He asked so many good questions that we have all the answers to as part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It just goes to show that there are a LOT of people that God is preparing to be able to join his true church, and accept his Gospel.

Here in Guatemala, today is the big day for Christmas. Tomorrow is kind of like new year's day in the states: Everyone's still together having a good time, but the real party is over. This year, we have permission to stay out late with members, under certain conditions, with which we are complying. At midnight, they light more fireworks than we do on the fourth of July. It's crazy, and awesome. Last year, (man, I'm old!) I was on the side of the valley, and I could see the whole valley at 12am, but by about 12:15, there was so much smoke that it was impossible to see the other side. It's fantastic! I'm excited, we're just going to be TIRED tomorrow! We've been getting up early every day this week for one reason or another, because there just isn't enough time to be able to get everything done! This is an urgent work, and the Lord will not have any delays. We have to do what we're told, when we're told, and it's a great feeling when you do so. You know the Lord is happy, and you know you will be blessed for having helped his work move forward.

But most of all, I encourage each of you to remember the reason why we're all doing what we're doing today. Today we remember the beginning of the greatest life ever lived. The only perfect life this world has ever seen. Remember Jesus Christ, and all he did for you, and his love for you, and the Father's love in sending him here to Earth for you.

I love you all.
Merry CHRISTmas.

Elder Banks

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