Tuesday, January 1, 2013

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Dear All,

It's been another great week in the work of the Lord.

First of all, the picture. This is Maricruz. She's probably the most humble person I know. She's passed through so many trials in her life, and she was really ready to accept the gospel. When she arrived at church a few weeks ago, we discovered that the branch president's counselor's wife has known her for a long time. This sister spoke at her baptismal service, and it was probably the most meaningful talk at a baptismal service I've ever heard. Maricruz was pretty much crying during it. She's just so full of love! I wish I could be so humble and full of love, because people like her are those who will enter into the kingdom of God (see Mosiah 3:19).

Other than that, it's been a great week. Guatemalans LOVE fireworks. The bigger, the better. And the more money you have, the bigger fireworks you can buy. And that's what our rich neighbors did last night. They started at about 10pm, and lit one off every couple minutes until 12am. They had some really big mortar fireworks, and at midnight, it felt like our house was under attack. And my companion slept right through it! I couldn't get to sleep. But that's alright, it was just one night. And it was fun.

Other than that, things have been pretty normal here in Puerto. We're getting into summer here, so it'll be even hotter than it was when I got here. We're just finishing up the cool season. And we're doing it with some fantastic work. We've got so many people who are prepared, we just have to get them to church so they can be baptized. Here, someone has to attend sacrament meeting 3 times before being baptized. We have SO many people right now who will for sure be baptized once they come to church 3 times. They already have testimonies and everything, they just need to come, and we'll get them baptized. We're going to do it. I finally feel that I'm finding myself as Elder Banks, and learning how to do this work.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We need them.

Elder Banks

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